At the heart of our desire to know more about the Ukrainian and Russian conflict is people. Humanity can be so easily lost during times of conflict and strife. It’s critical that Ukrainian voices are remembered and not forgotten during a devastating time of destruction. So, let’s start this resource guide by learning a little bit about how art acts as a voice for history. Poetry Off the Shelf invites Ukrainian poets, Oksana Maksymchuk and Oksana Lutsyshyna, to share their experiences creating art rooted in generational history and how this current conflict will be interwoven into Ukrainian culture for years to come on this podcast. Both poets explore what it means to be a refugee and the painful task of leaving home. Lastly, this is a great taste of beginning to understand the interconnectedness of Ukraine’s and Russia’s pasts. 

Here is a detailed overview of the continuing conflict between Russia and Ukraine spanning back to 2014, but rooted in conflict associated with Soviet Era Russia. The Center for Preventative Action is updating this document as developments progress.

If you want an expansive history to understand the many nuances to Ukrainian history, look for Serheii Plokhy’s The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine. A book that intensely magnifies the history of Ukraine beginning 2,000 years ago, you’ll be able to understand the depth of this current Russian invasion. From Stalin to Putin, Plokhy explores how globally impactful an invasion of this magnitude can be not only in Europe, but also for the whole world.

Unfortunately, there is generally a paywall associated with New York Times articles, but you may be able to access these continuous live updates through your public library. This resource is so useful because it is being consistently updated as if you’re watching cable news at home. 

Channel 4, based out of Britain, has documented Ukraine’s rehabilitation after this most recent Russian invasion in February of 2022. It also unveils the budding trial of the first Russian soldier to be tried for war crimes associated with these horrendous attacks on Ukrainian civilians over the past few months. 

Ukraine Russia conflict: Rebuilding life after brutal occupation

If you’re interested in what this conflict means for Ukrainians and refugees, check out The Future Is History: How Totalitarianism Reclaimed Russia by Masha Gessen. Gessen follows four different Ukrainians under the rule of Putin and the oppression of growing up under the reign of a dictatorship. A haunting story that spans pre-rebellion, and exemplifies the fear associated with what is happening now. 

Here, BBC has tried to encapsulate where most Ukrainian refugees have escaped due to the deadly conflict. Remember, this is a small fraction of data known about refugees; many refugees have been denied at borders, others have been killed during their escape plans, and some are still in hiding.

Wondering what the U.S. is doing? Here is President Biden’s most current stance on assisting Ukrainian refugees through its new Uniting for Ukraine federal program. 

Because the response from the U.S. government has been lackluster, this Linktree comes from Razom for Ukraine (@razom.for.ukraine). They have put together an incredible listing of events supporting the people of Ukraine happening in real time. Not only events, this resource also includes petitions, a “how to” on boycotting businesses associated with Russia, and a template for contacting your local officials. 

Most of us cannot imagine what it means to live under a dictatorial rule. However through knowledge and familiarization, we can attempt to empathize with the conflict occurring in Ukraine right now. If you can give money or miles to Ukrainian refugees, there is never more than enough. Consider using the Linktree from Razom for Ukraine as a verified jumping off point. Peace to Ukraine and all those who have loved ones there.


Another big thank you to our friend, Keva Kreeger for putting this resource guide together for us!

Written by Jessie W