Styling Powder 3 oz.

Styling Powder 3 oz.

2 in stock

Designed to add texture and volume to your style ✨

After adding prestyler to damp hair, blow dry the hair into the desired style, then apply a small amount of powder to your hair and sprinkle it in your hair. Rub the powder in until you can’t see it clumped anywhere and use your fingertips to twist the ends of the hair to get a high texture look.

Scent: The Redwood scent is subtle and clean. There are rich woodsy tones of cedar with soft florals and hints of citrus. It is subtle enough to compliment your colognes without causing the fragrances to clash.

✦ Matte Finish
✦ Adds Volume
✦ Lightweight & Gritty Texture
✦ Redwood scent
✦ Plant-based