Cursive Candle: Sandalwood, Cedarwood, and Cardamom

1 Review

Cursive Candle: Sandalwood, Cedarwood, and Cardamom

1 Review

Sandalwood, cedarwood, saffron, tobacco, cardamom. 

Smells like the adult with their shit together that you always envisioned yourself being – elegant yet unpretentious. Sophisticated yet cozy. Even if you haven’t filed your taxes yet or written world-changing love letters, light this candle up and pretend you've done it all in flawless cursive.

✦ Hand-poured as part of a small batch with coconut wax and a cotton wick.

✦ 7.5 oz will burn for roughly 40 hours with proper care.

✦ Made with ❤️ in California.